DEBITUM - Loans Facilitated by Distributed Ecosystems

The Debitum network is designed to bring together borrowers and those who help them to apply: investors (creditors), risk assessors, document verification documents, insurers, etc.
Companies or individual professionals who work in an alternative financial space can connect to the network for free and immediately begin to facilitate cross-border transactions.

The Debitum network is built as a hybrid platform.
All operations are processed through Ethereum Blockchain, which makes Debitum Network a safe and incorruptible infrastructure. It consists of family smart contracts based on Ethereum, using one internal payment method.
Transactions pass through Fiat currencies, ensuring that companies can actually use the service easily in their locality and from the first day.

How it works? 
Make a contribution to the Debitum network and get your DEB tokens.
Debitum Network - a solution for financing small businesses
- Fernando manages a logging company in Brazil and wants to export his products to the Netherlands.
"Currently, since Fernando does not have the money to grow international business, he sells all of his products quite cheaply to Alex, the intermediary involved in business development in the Netherlands and logistics.
- Fernando finds the Debitum Network and applies for a loan of US $ 20,000 with a 12% interest rate, providing its products in its warehouse as collateral.
- Many investors from the US and Europe decide to finance Fernando and grant him a loan of $ 20,000.
Fernando is pleased to see that his business is growing, because he has more money. Since Fernando successfully started his activities in the Netherlands with the help of his girlfriend Sarah, investors pay out a loan.
Your profit grows with the Debitum network.
We use your deposits to fully launch our solution in many markets.
Anyone who has free money can join the Debitum network and provide a loan to Fernando or any other company.
As the Debitum network grows all over the world, with a very limited number of DEB tokens on the market, the cost of purchased tokens can increase by about 10 times.
Let's consider in more detail in the video:


Additional markers will be available for purchase later in accordance with the Debitum business plan.

Coin (DEB) on the counter of the Ethereum (ERC223)

Only 400 million coins

Deposit currency: (ETH)

Maximum Fees: 24,000 Ether (ETH)

Round A
Sales start: December 7, 2017 at 15:00 GMT

End: December 21, 2017 at 15:00 GMT

Result: 1.2m USD are collected

Round B
Sales start January 25, 2018 at 15:00 GMT

End of February 25, 2018 at 15:00 GMT The 
maximum number of coins in the second round is 20,000 ETH

The Debitum price tag will have a two-step increase during Crowdsale to provide an opportunity to bonus on early supporters.
  • Step 1
  • 3 750 DEB for 1 ETH to reach 4000 ETH
  • Step 2
  • 3 300 DEB for 1 ETH until reaching 25,000 ETH raised
  • Step 3
  • 2 888 DEB for 1 ETH until reaching 50,000 ETH raised
  • - Minimum recommended donation: 0.1 ETH  
  • - All tokens not distributed will be blocked and frozen.

The project team
The project developers are very experienced people and have respect in the cryptomir

Project advisors
Advisors of the project are well-known personalities, which speaks about the quality and future success of the project

More info visit below:

DEBITUM - Loans Facilitated by Distributed Ecosystems DEBITUM - Loans Facilitated by Distributed Ecosystems Reviewed by Tono on Januari 24, 2018 Rating: 5

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